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A Lesson is Learned but the Damage is Irreversible: Long name.  Good quality.  The author uses color like I've never seen-- and that's a good thing.

Blank Water: Almost the exact artistic opposite of Lesson, Blank Water uses simple lines and the occasional detailed sketch to amazing effect.  I love how surreal this one is.

Questionable Content: Sexual comedy?  Certainly.  Occasional raunchy joke?  Definitely.  Is this a bad thing?  Not at all.  What I like about QC is just how realistic the characters are.  They're like real people, and if you watch this one for long, you'll find yourself worrying over their relationship problems.  Instead of your own.  For many people, that's a plus.

Sam and Fuzzy: Hmm... I think I can say this without threat of arrest... I want to be Sam Logan.  The comic creates twisted and odd characters, but portrays them so convincingly that you start to believe that the Fuzzy the Bear is a sentient individual who might take you out back to do some crowbars sometime.  High, high quality.  I just can't emphasize enough how good this comic is.

Sinfest: The first webcomic I started following.  God is a giant hand in the sky and uses hand puppets to communicate with mankind.  Satan wears a nice dapper suit.  Funny stuff.

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deviantArt gallery: This is my gallery on deviantArt.  Feel free to browse to your heart's content.

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